HERO Think Tank Readings for “Overdosed: Are we taking in too much?” The Opioid Epidemic

Winter Think Tank Meeting March 1st and 2nd Austin, Texas How are we doing as a profession, and as family members and citizens, speaking up about addiction? As I was preparing our Think Tank Agenda focused on the opioid epidemic, I was weighing how much time to allow for personal …

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Why Health Promotion really needs to Change by Paul Terry

Photo credit: elearning.org When I first worked in health promotion, workplace-based services such as free screenings or health coaching were only available to executives, smoking policies were a radical idea, school lunches were uniformly abominable, and community bike paths and gardens were a rarity. Mid-career, I worked in Africa where …

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Trading Shoes for a Machete’: Why Cultural Context Matters when trying to do Good by Paul Terry

Photo credit: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 2017 Allow me to tell you a story about an ongoing struggle I’ve had with cultural context and working in prevention. This is an episode where I thought I was doing the right thing on behalf of a non-working poor person in Tanzania. But …

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Influence of Incentives and Incentive Design on Participation and Satisfaction

    Authored by Gretchen Heacock, M.Eng; Wellness Solutions Specialist, Mission Health System Wellness incentive designs are a hotly debated topic when it comes to structuring programs designed to drive high participation and improve health outcomes. The HERO Health and Well-being Best Practices Scorecard in Collaboration with Mercer© (HERO Scorecard) …

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Proceedings HERO 2017 Summer Think Tank

Advancing Systemic Approaches to Mental and Emotional Well-being By Jessica Grossmeier, PhD, MPH June 6th, 2017, Minneapolis Hilton Seminal HERO research demonstrates that stress and depression are two of the most costly health issues at a population level. For years the health promotion industry has responded with individualistic approaches in …

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Committees Please contact Karen Moseley at HERO to discuss joining a HERO committeeInterested in joining a committee?Please contact Karen Moseley karen.moseley@hero-health.org at HERO to discuss joining a HERO committee. “Committee involvement is an excellent benefit to your organization since you are at the forefront on key topics, get recognition in published reports, …

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Reaching the Hardest to Reach: Proceedings (2) from HERO’s 2017 Winter Think Tank on The Employee Experience

Panel: Andy Crighton, MD, Prudential; Kerry Mitchell, PhD, Moxy Solutions; and Pauline Dow, EdD, Independent San Antonio School System.  On February 23-24, HERO members gathered in San Antonio, Texas for our Winter Think Tank on the topic of “The Employee Experience.” We opened this session of our Think Tank discussions …

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HERO Industry Research Review: Effective Physical Activity Strategies for Improving Worker Health

HERO Reviewer: Gregg M. Gascon, PhD, Advanced Analytics Consultant, Ohio State University Health Plan This industry research review departs from past practice by examining two studies rather than one. This approach is appropriate in the current context due to the nature of the focal study: a systematic review of workplace …

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HERO Webinar from our February 2016 Think Tank in San Diego – Practitioner Panel

The Future of Work: Practitioners Discuss Environmental Practices that Bolster Performance This webinar features an employer panel chaired by David Schweppe from Kaiser Permanente is available for HERO members only in our Resource Center. Also on this recording is a recap about the Think Tank Proceedings from HERO President Paul …

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HERO Briefs from Karen Moseley, Vice President of Education (February 2016)

Word of the Day: Well-Being In this month’s HERO Briefs, you’ll notice a common theme: well-being. A quick Google search of the term results in more than 66 million hits (compared to 414 million for “wellness”). While it may not yet be a mainstream topic around the dinner table, the …

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