A 20/20 Vision for Precision Population Health
Precision Population Health and Personalized Medicine, Kindred Spirits or Strange Bedfellows?
A Think Tank for Chief Medical Officers and Chief Health Officers
February 24, 12:00 – 5:30 pm
6:00 – 9:00 pm Reception and Dinner
Sonesta, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
*Note: All CMO/CHO Summit participants are encouraged to also attend the HERO Think Tank.

The promise of personalized medicine relates to innovations in data access and genomics that better provide for tailoring the right treatment to the right person at the right time. Could the same tech abetted opportunities for more precise and tailored interventions be occurring in population health, particularly for workplace-based health promotion? It is fair to say that worksite health and well-being initiatives have not been highly personalized. After all, HERO Scorecard data shows that a small minority of companies base their initiatives on written strategic plans, much less on highly customized population level data analysis. This CMO/CHO Summit examines trends in both personalized medicine and precision population health and challenges participants to consider whether trends in personalized medicine should be affecting their worksite health and well-being initiatives. It is a bromide that populations are made up of individuals, but we will discuss whether the ratios of financial investments and time allocated by CMOs and CHOs should be weighted more toward individual initiatives and programs versus group work, policies and environmental supports.
Questions we will address, debate and decide upon include:
- How is precision medicine, particularly genomics, informing population level data collection?
- What are the corollaries to precision medicine in population health?
- What pharmaceutical research trends are especially relevant to employer healthcare cost containment?
- Is there a unique role for employers in shaping health policies relating to precision population health?
- Should “techquity,” technology and big data management, play a role in addressing social determinants of health? If so, how?
- Considering trends in precision medicine, what difference should genetic confirmation of, say, familial hypercholesterolemia make in population level health promotion planning?
- What role should employees play in the acceptability of data collection?
- What role should employees play in designing a precision population health approach?
- How would an employee’s life story, their spiritual beliefs or their birth order affect a personalized medicine approach?
- How would community data, (i.e., income levels, violence rates, literacy, graduation rates, housing accessibility, food security) affect a precision approach to population health management?
We will allow for the possibility that there are no clear answers to many such questions. It is also possible that we would do well not to jump to conclusions concerning debates that pit individual medicine against population health.
2020 HERO CMO/CHO Summit Application
Attendance for the 2020 CMO/CHO Summit is limited to Chief Medical Officers, Chief Health Officers, and Medical Directors. Number of attendees is also limited to encourage robust learning and discourse among fellow leaders as well as to generate solutions to advance our profession. Please fill out the Summit application below. You will receive a response regarding your registration within 1–2 business days.