Vaccine hesitancy and vaccination rates in the U.S.
2021 Healthcare Summit
Caring for the Caregiver: Addressing the Emotional and Mental Well-being of Healthcare Workers
October 12, 2021 | 8:30 AM – 1:00 PM CT
Renaissance Austin Hotel, Austin, TX
Healthcare workers have been increasingly burdened by the incredible demands on the front lines and at home. The impact of ongoing mental and emotional distress is projected to continue into the foreseeable future. These issues will continue to influence the well-being needs of our employees, their families, and our communities for months and years to come. As a result, healthcare organizations will need to find new models for effectively addressing employees’ mental and emotional resilience and well-being. Join us for an interactive session to share best practices and innovative solutions in supporting employee mental well-being.
Register now on the Forum21 registration site.
Can’t make it to Austin this October? Sign up to view the Healthcare Summit On-Demand recording!
Members Only Fall Think Tank
The Workplace Mental Health and Well-being Ecosystem: Is it working, how to know, and who is included (or excluded) from care?
October 12, 2021 | 2:00 – 5:00 PM CT
Renaissance Austin Hotel, Austin, TX
Workplace mental health and well-being (MHWB) has long been a vexing issue for companies. Now, in the wake of COVID-19 and a national racial reckoning, employers are ever more aware of the workplace’s impact on employee MHWB. 2020 has served up vivid lessons about how MHWB impacts everyone.
At this HERO Think Tank, members will explore how employers are addressing workplace MHWB in 2021 and beyond, emphasizing measurement and the critical importance of taking a DE&I informed approach.
HERO members: Register now on the Forum21 registration site.
We’re pleased to announce our 2021 line-up of superstars for the HEROForum21 general sessions. Cara McNulty (Aetna) and Jennifer Posa (Johnson & Johnson) will join Karen Moseley for the opening session on the Forum theme of mental resilience. Wendy Lynch (Lynch Consulting) will partner with Stanford University colleagues Meag-gan O’Reilly and Patty de Vries for an authentic interaction modeling positive biracial communication skills. On Day 2, HERO Senior Research Fellow Sara Johnson will facilitate the industry research update with Rachel Henke (IBM Watson Health) and Tsitsi Masvawure (College of the Holy Cross). And HERO Senior Fellow Paul Terry will host a fireside chat with Olympic gymnast and bronze medalist Wendy Bruce Martin and Nadia Charguia from the University of North Carolina, and maybe share a few gymnastics stories of his own. Stay tuned for more to follow!
Check the Forum website for more information and to reserve your spot now!
HERO is a designated provider of continuing education contact hours (CECH) in health education by the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc. Provider ID# 101039
Thank you to our new Forum Sponsors!
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FitVent by WebMD

HEROForum21 Swag Store Open!

2021 University Summit
Bouncing back and moving forward: Exploring emerging and innovative solutions at universities and medical centers that address top concerns through new or revised policies, system changes, structures and programming.
November 8, 2021
A virtual summit!
Aligning with the HERO Forum 2021 theme, the University Summit will focus on navigating the new way we are working and how universities and academic medical centers can continue to foster positive and inclusive faculty and staff experiences. We will highlight the future of work by exploring emerging and innovative solutions that address top concerns through new or revised policies, system changes, structures, and programming:
- Hybrid working environments.
- Women and family care needs.
- Mental and emotional well-being.
Fluidity and flexibility are keys to fostering a culture of health, innovation, empowerment, and, ultimately, resilience. As such, it is imperative that health and well-being programs continue to recognize and respond swiftly to address the evolving well-being needs of university employees.
Questions about HERO Research? Talk to Mary Imboden, PhD, Director of Research for HERO at
HERO Health & Well-Being Best Practices Scorecard in Collaboration with Mercer©

- 51 Scored Questions, 8 less than V4’s 59 Scored Questions
- Questions were added to Strategic Planning, Organization & Culture Support, and Measurement & Evaluation
- Questions were removed or consolidated from Program Integration, Program and Participation Strategies
Watch the video here
The Learning Series
How It started | How It’s Going: 4 Ways to Build Personal and Organizational Immunity

Guest Speakers: Erin Seaverson, MPH, head of research at WebMD Health Services, steers our health and well-being research agenda & Molly Heisterkamp, CHES, is the wellness & disease management program manager for the Wisconsin Department of Employee Trust Funds.
September 9, 2021 | 12:00 pm Central
The State of Wisconsin Employee Trust Fund (ETF) has a geographically dispersed and diverse population of more than 165,000 individuals, including current and retired employees from the University of Wisconsin system, state agencies, and nearly 300 local government entities. Employees work in more than 400 locations throughout the state. Since 2017, ETF has focused on creating a positive well-being program experience to their constituents. During this presentation, learn how they’ve created an adaptive well-being strategy and Well Wisconsin Program to meet the broad needs of their population base. Speakers will also provide insights around their cohesive engagement and program management strategies that have helped double participation since the inception of the Well Wisconsin initiative.
Fight Like a Nerdy Girl: Lessons Learned from the COVID Information Frontlines

Lindsey Leininger, PhD, Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth
Our all-female team of “Nerdy Girl” scientists has steadfastly delivered trustworthy, timely, and evidence-based advice to social media audiences via the @DearPandemic platform since March 2020. 150k+ followers, one thousand Facebook posts, hundreds of media appearances, and dozens of invited lectures later, we’ve built our way towards a communication framework broadly applicable to a variety of health promotion initiatives. Our hope is that this framework and associated lessons learned can empower fellow health promotion professionals to steward efforts improving equitable access to credible, relatable health information in their specific settings.
Resources and Readings