By Meg Molloy, President and CEO, Prevention Partners


Prevention Partners Board Chair, Gregg Stave, HERO President & CEO, Paul Terry, HERO Director of Marketing and  Operations, Pat Rohner, and Prevention Partners President & CEO, Meg Molloy, with the

2016 Prevention Excellence Award

The Health Enhancement Research Organization (HERO) was named Prevention Partners’ 2016 Prevention Excellence Award recipient at the inaugural National Healthy Places Summit on June 14 in Raleigh, N.C. The Summit featured national health and well-being leaders discussing the collective impact of several nationally recognized organizational assessment tools and describing the advancement of community and population health across business, government, and healthcare sectors.

The Prevention Excellence Award is a national award given to an organization that exemplifies leadership in prevention. HERO is a national leader in the advancement of health and well-being for employees, families, and communities through workplace-based research, education, and policy. The organization exemplifies leadership in prevention by identifying and advancing best practices in workplace wellness through its network of members, published research, and annual conferences. HERO brings together a diverse group of business leaders, population health experts, and program providers to share knowledge, experiences and resources that help employers remain at the cutting edge of prevention. President & CEO, Paul Terry, and Director of Marketing and Operations, Pat Rohner, were in attendance to accept the 2016 Prevention Excellence Award.

HERO has worked alongside Prevention Partners, including the National Academy’s Population Health Roundtable’s Business Action Collaborative, HERO’s Healthy Workplaces, Healthy Communities initiative, jointly planning the Healthcare Summit for the 2016 HERO Forum in September, and serving as a Prevention Partners Research Council member.

HERO is the recipient of the Prevention Excellence Award for how well they advance best practices to employers to support healthy employees, and doubly so because of how they work. They bring a true spirit of collaboration, they celebrate the wins of colleagues, and they foster continuous learning within the field.

The National Healthy Places Summit featured two presentations and two panels, which addressed evidence-based health promotion tools, the alignment of national leadership, accelerating the pace of change within employer-led initiatives, and advancing community and population health across business, healthcare, and government sectors. Speakers included  Jason Lang of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); Paul Terry of HERO; Meg Molloy of Prevention Partners; Joy Leuthard of the Oklahoma Hospital Association; Jennifer Wright of the South Carolina Hospital Association; Mona Moon of the North Carolina Department of State Treasurer, State Health Plan Division; Julia Resnick of the Association for Community Health Improvement and the American Hospital Association; and Darla Thompson of The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine.”



©2025 Health Enhancement Research Organization ‘HERO’


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