Don’t Blink

2019 has sped by with education and research and a lot more going on at HERO. The most exciting news came just as the year began and Karen Moseley was named as our new President. Let’s also not forget HERO’s response to the study in JAMA on the effectiveness of the BJ’s Wholesale Club wellness program. Members of the HERO research committee collaborated to create this response, reminding employers that effective programs require a comprehensive approach. We put a lot of emphasis on collaboration this year, and we hope that we were able to offer you some pretty comprehensive programming. Complementing our Forum, Think Tanks and Summits (see below), we have had several incredible webinars in 2019. All of the recordings in our webinar archive are available to HERO members and the most recent ones are open to the public. Stay tuned for our 2020 lineup!

2019 Winter Think Tank

February 12-13, 2019 | San Antonio, Texas
Psychological Safety at Work: What happens when more voices are heard?

HERO members heard from leading experts as conversation starters, and then took part in group work to finally return to their organizations energized and motivated to test new ideas and exert renewed leadership for advancing health and well-being for all.

Download the Proceedings from the 2019 Winter Think Tank.

Members, don’t miss the 2020 Winter Think Tank!

2019 CMO/CHO Summit

February 11, 2019 | San Antonio, Texas

Psychologically Healthy Organizations: The CMO/CHO’s Role in Surveilling and Addressing Social Determinants of Mental and Emotional Health

This summit saw the nation’s CMOs, CHOs and Medical Directors come together to discuss the employee in the context of their community, resulting in a renewed leadership motivated to test new ideas to bring well-being for all.

The 2020 CMO/CHO Summit is now taking applications! Don’t miss this opportunity!

2019 Summer Think Tank

June 25, 2019 | Kansas City, Missouri

Forging a Fresh Course for Worksite Health and Well-being: Tools & Methods That Can Move Organizations from an “Is State” to a “Future State”

HERO members took a hands-on approach to examining strategic planning tools, such as “Hoshin Planning” and “Blue Ocean” strategy, and how they can support an organization’s health and well-being strategic planning process.


September 10-12, 2019 | Portland, Oregon

Thriving Organizations: Achieving Well-being Through Collaboration

Attendees experienced three days of networking with over 90 speakers and more than 45 presentations. The HERO Playground was a big hit and yes, you could even snack on doughnuts and beer (only in Portland)!

Check out the Forum19 Proceedings!

HEROForum20 will be in Austin, TX on September 23-25! Visit the Forum website.

Forum20 Call for Presenters is now open! Click here to submit your abstract.

2019 Fall Think Tank

September 9, 2019 | Portland, Oregon

Loneliness in an Era of Hyper-connectivity: The Employer’s Role in Addressing Social Isolation

Members benefited from expert presentations and table discussions on this trending but often overlooked topic.

2019 Healthcare Summit

September 9, 2019 | Portland, Oregon

Healthcare Leadership in Addressing Social Determinants of Health

Attendees explored how leading healthcare organizations are creating partnerships within their organizations and the communities they serve to address this urgent issue.

2019 University Summit

September 9, 2019 | Portland, Oregon

Inspiring Well-Being Through Community, Social Connections and Environmental Supports

University colleagues from across the nation came together to learn best practices and develop new strategies to help foster a thriving university community that cultivates health and well-being.


Thanks to all the health and well-being heroes who helped make 2019 a success! Please see below for the exciting 2020 events that we have in store for you!

“History cannot give us a program for the future, but it can give us a fuller understanding of ourselves, and of our common humanity, so that we can better face the future.”
Robert Penn Warren


2020 Winter Think Tank – Members Only

Burnout and Banana Cream Pie: Employer leadership in curbing obesity, addressing burnout and saving the planet via the power of stories and sustained dialogue.

February 25–26, 2020
Sonesta, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

Sonesta Fort Lauderdale Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Food and Stress. These subjects are too large to presume a HERO Think Tank could yield fresh insights regarding workplace-based solutions to each. But what if we put eating and burnout side by side and ask how closely the two are related? What’s more, what if we challenge ourselves to consider that comfort foods and work pressures each reside in the shadow of the other? Indeed, what if we posit that we can’t solve for one without also shining a light on the other? Now, we think, we have the stuff of a good HERO Think Tank.

Check out the Think Tank website for more information. The agenda is now posted!

2020 CMO/CHO Summit

A 20/20 Vision for Precision Population Health

February 24, 2020
Sonesta, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

Sonesta Florida beach aerial view

Precision Population Health and Personalized Medicine, Kindred Spirits or Strange Bedfellows? A Think Tank for Chief Medical Officers and Chief Health Officers.

The promise of personalized medicine relates to innovations in data access and genomics that better provide for tailoring the right treatment to the right person at the right time. Could the same tech abetted opportunities for more precise and tailored interventions be occurring in population health, particularly for workplace-based health promotion? This CMO/CHO Summit examines trends in both personalized medicine and precision population health and challenges participants to consider whether trends in personalized medicine should be affecting their worksite health and well-being initiatives.

Attendance for the 2020 CMO/CHO Summit is limited to Chief Medical Officers, Chief Health Officers and Medical Directors. Number of attendees is also limited to encourage robust learning and discourse among fellow leaders as well as to generate solutions to advance our profession. Please visit the CMO/CHO Summit website to apply and for more information. The agenda is now posted!

Join our countdown to HEROForum20
The Call for Presenters is now open! Submit your abstract now!
HEROForum20: A 20/20 Vision for Collective Well-being



Call for 2020 HERO Workplace Health and Well-being Awards!

For the 11th consecutive year, our industry’s premier individual awards program, the HERO Workplace Health & Well-Being Awards, will recognize outstanding leadership and achievements as well as commitment to the field of workplace health and well-being (HWB). Nominations are received on a rolling basis. To be considered for an award in 2020, materials must be received by April 30, 2020.

We are accepting nominations for these four awards: Bill Whitmer Leadership AwardMark Dundon Research AwardJerry Noyce Executive Health Champion Award, and Heart of HERO Award. Visit the HERO website to learn about the awards and access the appropriate forms. To hear more from our 2019 HERO Award winners, check out their personal interviews on HERO’s YouTube channel!

*Important note: there have been changes to the nomination process, so please review all documents closely. If you have any questions, please contact Emily Wolfe,


Resources and Readings

Emotional Eating is Part of Being Human

Read the New York Times article, “Go Ahead. Eat Your Holiday Feelings.” by Christy Harrison. Is this the OK we have all been waiting for or a nightmare for eating disorder therapists?


Kimberlie Cerrone

Kimberlie Cerrone
Founder & Executive Chairman

Kimberlie Cerrone is an IP strategist who has been a C-level executive at nine venture capital-backed companies. She practiced technology and IP law at two of Silicon Valley’s top law firms where she was an early advisor to technology companies. Kimberlie has a BS from the University of Illinois, an MS from New York University and an MBA from University of San Francisco. She graduated from the University of California, Hastings College of the Law and is a member of the California and USPTO bars.

To read more about Kimberlie, visit the HERO Blog.

©2025 Health Enhancement Research Organization ‘HERO’


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