Forum19 Collaboration

HERO Forum19 attendees having fun at Illobooth

HEROForum19 Thriving Organizations: Achieving Well-Being Through Collaboration in Portland Oregon on September 10–12th was a rousing success! I don’t know if it was the topic, the space or something they put in the water, but collaboration went beyond the discussion and into the networking and even permeated our competitive HERO Playground. Winners gave credit to those who helped them along the way and shared their prizes, and I don’t know about you, but I felt we were all one big, happy, healthy family. Fostering a spirit of sharing is something we strive to do, not just for Forum, but all year long, and this year is not over yet.

The HEROForum19 Proceedings will be published in October, so watch your inboxes. We are also planning several top-notch webinars for the coming months. Details are still being finalized, but look for Don Ardell and Susan Bradley Cox in October to talk about the book, Not Dead Yet; and Dr. Sara Singer in November who gave the Forum keynote, Relationships, Hierarchies and Team Dynamics: How Thriving Organizations Reach across Boundaries to Reduce Social Discomfort and Increase Psychological Safety.

We look forward to continued collaboration with you!


Resources and Readings

Loneliness and Social Isolation

Karen Moseley, HERO’s President, shares select entries from her journal over the past year in her opening speech at the HERO Fall Think Tank, “Loneliness in an Era of Hyper-connectivity: The Employer’s Role in Addressing Social Isolation.” View her post on the HERO Blog.

Workplace Loneliness

Hakan Ozcelik, PhD, Professor, Management Area Leader, College of Business Administration, California State University, Sacramento, was a featured speaker at HERO’s Fall Think Tank. He offers resources on workplace loneliness. You can view an animation illustrating the results from a recently published article, No Employee an Island. You can view an event featuring film projects and a commentary panel that explore workplace loneliness, CBA Film Festival 8.

Why Worksite Wellness Programs Don’t Work

Dr. Paul Terry, HERO’s Senior Fellow, discusses what can go wrong, specifically with two programs that garnered much media attention. View his post on the HERO Blog.

Burn Out and Banana Cream Pie

HERO’s Winter Think Tank in February 2020 will tackle the issue of stress eating, nutrition and obesity in the workplace. We will have more information coming soon. In the meantime, check out this article from the Greater Good Magazine at UC Berkeley, “What Is the Best Diet for Mental Health?

C. Everett Koop National Health Awards

Read how the 2019 winners, Baylor College of Medicine and Ericsson, are investing in employee health via The Health Project news release.

Congratulations to Member Company Pro-Change Behavior Systems

They were named “Most Innovative Health & Wellness Company in Rhode Island” by the Providence Business Review.

©2025 Health Enhancement Research Organization ‘HERO’


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