By Paul Terry, PhD, HERO Senior Fellow

Workforce shortages, exhausted workers and leaders who are overwhelmed by rapid changes in the economy — it all adds up to diminishing employee engagement and low morale. And with concerns about a recession unabated, employers continue to tighten spending which includes ‘quiet hiring’, an approach to bringing in resources without adding to payroll. While competition for talent has spawned an era of increased autonomy and flexibility for workers, there is little evidence that sweetening worker benefits is buying newfound company loyalty. As if to add fuel to this fire, the explosion of investments in artificial intelligence brings with it speculation that countless jobs could become obsolete.

Does it all sound hopeless? Sort of. But at HERO, these are the kinds of problems that our members confront by sorting through root causes, discussing solutions and sharing their stories, warts and all. The subject of our next member’s only HERO Think Tank is this “Power Shift” and we will be asking how employers are responding to the changing needs and preferences of their workforces. Do we expect to come away with the best ways to cope with the mounting changes occurring in the workforce? Nope. But HERO’s research and learning agendas are linked together so as to increase the odds that our members are keenly focused on the key issues that need attention. If we get the questions right, and use evidence to inform practice, that’s when our Think Tanks turn into ‘Do Tanks’ after which members bring fresh, actionable ideas back home.

Here is a sampling of the kinds of questions HERO members will deliberate, debate and act upon. Whether you are a HERO member, a potential new member or a professional supporter of our work, we’re always eager for your thoughts and opinions.

  • Polls are showing workers want flexible work arrangements but every workplace has different needs. What are the most current and effective ways to assess changing needs that capture your organization’s unique requirements?
  • What current work environment changes are proving most vital for today’s workforce and for your workforce?
  • Surveys show Gen Z and millennials have different views about belongingness at work than their elders. What are the best methods for evaluating whether your efforts at deepening connections are working?
  • How does addressing employee work identity needs relate to professional growth and company loyalty?
  • What are the best ways to tap into company influencers?

We are looking forward to deliberating on these and other related questions at our HERO Fall Think Tank, September 26th in Salt Lake City.

©2025 Health Enhancement Research Organization ‘HERO’


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