Ryan SledgeRyan Sledge has a passion for improving the health of individuals and populations.  He currently serves as Director of Onsite Services and Wellness for OhioHealth Employer Services, a division of OhioHealth, the largest healthcare system in Central Ohio. In this capacity, Ryan is responsible for providing operational leadership and strategic direction of employer-facing wellness offerings, worksite clinic practices, campus student health centers and other services in Columbus, Ohio and surrounding regions. During his tenure at OhioHealth, Ryan has also been responsible for creating a sustainable culture of health for OhioHealth’s own 30,000 associates, physicians and volunteers.

1. What innovative internal program are you most excited about in your workplace? 

I’m most energized by our growing focus on burnout and resilience. Over the last few years, there has been a concerted effort to bring emotional and mental health firmly into the well-being conversation within the organization. The Mayo Well-Being Index is being piloted within segments of our population as a tool to assist in understanding how burnout shows up in our workforce, and how we can connect individuals to resources in real time. Additionally, the information gathered will allow us to understand where organizational/departmental environments may need to be addressed.

2. How is psychological safety being promoted in your workplace? 

Psychological safety is promoted within our organization from the lens of creating safe places for diverse thought, innovation and risk-taking. OhioHealth recently added Inclusion as the organization’s fifth core value. Through this work, led by our CEO and Organizational Effectiveness teams, these themes are becoming deeply rooted in our fabric. All leaders are undergoing training on how true breakthrough occurs at the intersection of diversity, inclusion and innovation.

3. Is your organization focusing on social determinants of health and well-being as it relates to your employee population? If so, how?

As our well-being journey continues to evolve, social determinants of health are increasingly becoming a focus. In its earliest stages, this work began by assessing differences in both health outcomes and wellness program participation across various job families and pay ranges. Last year, we underwent significant organizational restructuring and formed our Population Health business unit. This new organizational structure is tasked with improving the health of community, patients and our associates. Much of this work is focused on well-being offerings, innovative payment models and health disparities.

©2025 Health Enhancement Research Organization ‘HERO’


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