HERO Scorecard

HERO Health and Well-being Best Practices Scorecard in Collaboration with Mercer© (HERO Scorecard)

The HERO Scorecard is designed to help organizations learn about best practices for promoting workplace health and well-being, and to discover opportunities to improve and measure progress over time.

Developed in consultation with leading authorities on population health and well-being, this industry leading tool provides you with an instant assessment of how your program stacks up to others in the national Scorecard database.

Complete the Scorecard

Select the appropriate link below to enter the online Scorecard and submit your responses. If there are questions you cannot answer, simply skip the question. (You will not score points on any skipped question.)

U.S. ScorecardInternational Scorecard

Best Practices and Tools

Not ready to jump in?  Here are some tips, practical advice, and helpful tools for getting the most out of the Scorecard.

To help you achieve the best results with the HERO Scorecard we have provided a brief planning process for your use:

Many Scorecard participants have found that one of the key benefits of completing the Scorecard comes from bringing together health and well-being stakeholders from different departments within their organizations to discuss how best to respond to the questions. Collaborating with different stakeholders within the organization may result in more accurate Scorecard responses, enhancing the level of collaboration between health and well-being stakeholders, and identification of new opportunities for integration across programs.

To review the Scorecard questions prior to submitting your responses to the online version, you can download a PDF version (or International PDF version) and consider which individuals within your organizations would best contribute to a response. If possible, set up a meeting with this group and work through the PDF version together. If that’s not practical, ask them to fill out the relevant sections of the Scorecard and return it to you.

Once you’ve collected the responses and have a complete set of answers, you’re ready to complete the online Scorecard for your organization. (We cannot accept PDF versions of the Scorecard.) It is important to save and/or download a copy of your responses prior to leaving the online Scorecard, as you may find it useful as a reference when interpreting your score or completing the Scorecard in the future.


Once you have gathered your answers using the PDF version of the Scorecard, you are ready to go through the questions online and submit your responses.  If there are questions you cannot answer, simply skip this question.  Of course you will not score points on any skipped question.

Select the appropriate link below to enter the online Scorecard and submit your responses.

Take the HERO Scorecard – U.S. version
Take the HERO Scorecard – International version


After you submit your data to the online Scorecard, you will receive a score for each of the six sections and an overall score. While the scoring system is based on a maximum number of 200 points, the highest score attained on the latest benchmarking analysis was 180. This was based on completion of the US version of the Scorecard. Information will become available on the International version of the Scorecard once enough responses have been collected to develop a normative database.

We don’t anticipate that any program will ever receive the maximum score of 200; a program that includes every possible element of health and well-being program is neither likely nor probably even desirable, since not all scored elements are appropriate for all organizations! Consider your organization’s score relative to those of peer organizations or to emulator organizations.

Your individual scores provide a sense of how your program compares to others in the use of evidence-based and expert recommended best practices, and shows where opportunity for improvement exists.

You may also check your scores against the National Average and Latest Best Practice Scores.


Employers can benchmark their programs in greater depth — and against a group of their own peers — through a series of benchmark reports based on employer size, industry and geographic region.  These more in-depth reports provide the aggregated responses to each Scorecard question in addition to the average scores.

There are two ways to access Benchmark reports for the US version of the HERO Scorecard:

  1. Quarterly, through the Preferred Provider Program
  2. A one-time purchase (custom or non-custom)

Both the Preferred Provider Program and/or a one-time Benchmark Report can offer value to your organization. To support you in making your decision, we invite you to:


Version 4 Tools

©2024 Health Enhancement Research Organization ‘HERO’


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