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Questionnaire Administration

Explain the purpose of administering the NIOSH WellBQ to employees.

In the explanation, it is important to explain what the NIOSH WellBQ measures, why it is being administered by your organization and what the organization plans to do with the findings. It is also important to share examples of how an employee’s participation will benefit them and the organization.

Your organization may choose to send out a communication prior to sending out the NIOSH WellBQ to share this important information and get employees ready to take the questionnaire. In this pre-questionnaire communication, the organization should make it known that all data collected will be de-identified in an attempt to protect anonymity.

Set Expectations for the NIOSH WellBQ.

Inform the potential participants that the NIOSH WellBQ takes 15-20 minutes to complete. It is also important to inform participants how long the NIOSH WellBQ will be open, so that employees schedule accordingly. This information can be shared in both the pre-questionnaire communication and/or when the NIOSH WellBQ link is sent to employees.

Offer an incentive.

While individual incentives may be out of the question in an attempt to protect anonymity, an organization can offer an incentive if a certain percentage of the organization completes the NIOSH WellBQ. Organizations will receive response rate (the number of responses compared to the number of employees the NIOSH WellBQ link was sent to) and can communicate with employees that a certain incentive will be provided if the response rate exceeds the threshold set.

Communicate and send reminders.

Sending communications to employees is important. A pre-questionnaire communication can help employees understand why the NIOSH WellBQ is being administered, communications during the response period can help remind employees to respond to the NIOSH WellBQ, and an after-questionnaire communication can help employees understand how the organization is using the results to make positive changes.

Reminders are also recommended to increase response rate. The default response period will be set to 30 days (about 4 and a half weeks), unless the organization requests a different timeline. During the 30-day response period, it is recommended that the organization send out reminders at the half-way point (~2 weeks (14-16 days) into the response period), when there is one week left in the response period (Day 22-24), and a few days before the organization’s NIOSH WellBQ is scheduled to close (Day 27-29). Make sure all communications are sent to employees during working days and hours. Avoid sending communications during non-working days and hours.

Administer the NIOSH WellBQ as a whole.

Because the questionnaire is meant to comprehensively assess worker well-being, NIOSH recommends administering the NIOSH WellBQ as a whole. Users who are interested in only specific topics may wish to administer other instruments, such as those listed in the NIOSH WellBQ Item Source Table.

While each employee has the right to withdraw at any time, it is also important to encourage employees to complete the entire questionnaire. All data will be de-identified that is shared back with the organization and in the HERO Worker Well-Being Clearinghouse.

Data privacy

As stated in the NIOSH WellBQ guidance, please ensure that participants’ privacy is protected and that the privacy and confidentiality procedures are communicated with participants. The online survey will include an informed consent that participants will need to complete prior to starting the questionnaire.

If using the NIOSH WellBQ as part of a research protocol, consultation with a relevant Institutional Review Board should occur before administration. The following information may be useful to participants, purpose of questionnaire administration, procedures involved, risks/benefits to completing the questionnaire, anonymity/confidentiality offered to respondents, right to withdraw, etc.

©2024 Health Enhancement Research Organization ‘HERO’


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