
One of the three foundational cornerstones of HERO is the facilitation of actionable research to move the science and understanding of health and well-being forward. Each year, the HERO Research Committee and other HERO members interested in research meet to discuss important research issues of the day, review research HERO has completed and has in progress, and advise on a potential research agenda for the coming year. It then becomes the responsibility of the HERO Research Advisory Group (RAG) to blend this advice with their own observations to create the research agenda for the coming year. The HERO Research Agenda details the current research agenda based on this process.

Funding of quality research is critically important.  If your organization is interested in helping HERO fund current or future research, consider joining the HERO Research Partners. Details are available in the HERO Research Agenda. We enlist your support to continue to make progress in building knowledge in this field to help employers make decisions in creating and sustaining effective programs for their employees.

To submit a project for the Research Committee to consider, please complete the HERO Research Proposal Form and return it to To review abstracts on completed HERO research projects, visit the HERO Research Studies page.

©2025 Health Enhancement Research Organization ‘HERO’


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