The Valley Health Alliance (VHA) was established in 2013 by five employers* within the Colorado Roaring Fork Valley to foster health care and wellness activity that:

· Is affordable and accessible.

· Focuses on improved health, appropriate care, and controlled costs.

· Fosters collaboration among employers, providers, and patients.

· Is financially sustainable for employees, employers, and providers.

As a first step, the VHA engaged in a three-year pilot project focused on creating a culture of health within its community, taking an evidence-based, best-practices approach. The launch of the HERO Scorecard Version 4 was well-timed for the VHA, as it helped each member organization identify priorities for enhancing population health.

In an effort to establish a baseline, identify opportunities, and prioritize the strategic approach, each of the five VHA employer organizations completed the HERO Scorecard with assistance from Mayo Clinic Global Business Solutions, a HERO Scorecard Preferred Provider. “The process allowed each organization to identify strengths and opportunities within each best practices area and aggregate VHA data to identify key opportunities to accomplish specific goals,” says Jennifer Flynn, MS, Mayo Clinic strategy consultant.

After reviewing its HERO Scorecard results, the VHA decided to develop a brand and worked on creating a strong image for the organization. It will also launch campaigns around health risk assessments, biometric screenings, and flu shots, as well as capture key metrics to use for strategic planning going forward.

As executive director of the VHA, Kathleen Killion noted that “the HERO Scorecard allowed VHA to identify best practices that are already in place, opportunities for collaboration, and enhancements that can significantly impact the success of our initiative.” The VHA is now armed with actionable data to strategically focus its efforts on the needs and health of the community and build a culture of health.

*Aspen School District, Aspen Skiing Company, Aspen Valley Hospital, City of Aspen, Pitkin County

©2025 Health Enhancement Research Organization ‘HERO’


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