What’s your story?

Paul Terry and Karen Moseley point to HERO logoNext month, the members only HERO Think Tank, Burnout and Banana Cream Pie, will tackle food and stress through the lens of storytelling. We are asking members to submit their own personal or professional stories to share at the Think Tank, a la Moth Radio Hour story slam.

We encourage each of you to share your story, wherever you may be in your personal journey. Empathize, find meaning, discover culture, strengthen identity, motivate and forge connections. Storytelling is a powerful medium, and a good story gives everyone a stake in the outcome.

“No one ever made a decision because of a number. They need a story.”
– Daniel Kahneman, as quoted by Michael Lewis in “The Undoing Project”

HERO members interested in sharing their stories at Think Tank, or to read my story, visit the HERO blog.

See you in Ft. Lauderdale!

Ariane Mistral, HERO Project Coordinator


2020 Winter Think Tank – Members Only

Burnout and Banana Cream Pie: Employer leadership in curbing obesity, addressing burnout and saving the planet via the power of stories and sustained dialogue.

February 25 – 26, 2020
Sonesta, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

Sonesta Fort Lauderdale Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Food and Stress. These subjects are too large to presume a HERO Think Tank could yield fresh insights regarding workplace-based solutions to each. But what if we put eating and burnout side by side and ask how closely the two are related? What’s more, what if we challenge ourselves to consider that comfort foods and work pressures each reside in the shadow of the other? Indeed, what if we posit that we can’t solve for one without also shining a light on the other? Now, we think, we have the stuff of a good HERO Think Tank.

Check out the Think Tank website for more information, including the agenda.

2020 CMO/CHO Summit

A 20/20 Vision for Precision Population Health

February 24, 2020
Sonesta, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

Sonesta Florida beach aerial view

Precision Population Health and Personalized Medicine, Kindred Spirits or Strange Bedfellows? A Think Tank for Chief Medical Officers and Chief Health Officers.

The promise of personalized medicine relates to innovations in data access and genomics that better provide for tailoring the right treatment to the right person at the right time. Could the same tech abetted opportunities for more precise and tailored interventions be occurring in population health, particularly for workplace-based health promotion? This CMO/CHO Summit examines trends in both personalized medicine and precision population health and challenges participants to consider whether trends in personalized medicine should be affecting their worksite health and well-being initiatives.

Attendance for the 2020 CMO/CHO Summit is limited to Chief Medical Officers, Chief Health Officers and Medical Directors. Number of attendees is also limited to encourage robust learning and discourse among fellow leaders as well as to generate solutions to advance our profession. Please visit the CMO/CHO Summit website to apply and for more information, including the full agenda.

Join our countdown to HEROForum20
The Call for Presenters is open until February 28! Submit your abstract now!

HEROForum20 banner


Call for 2020 HERO Workplace Health and Well-being Awards!

For the 11th consecutive year, our industry’s premier individual awards program, the HERO Workplace Health & Well-Being Awards, will recognize outstanding leadership and achievements as well as commitment to the field of workplace health and well-being (HWB). Nominations are received on a rolling basis. To be considered for an award in 2020, materials must be received by April 30, 2020.

We are accepting nominations for these four awards: Bill Whitmer Leadership Award, Mark Dundon Research Award, Jerry Noyce Executive Health Champion Award, and Heart of HERO Award. Visit the HERO website to learn about the awards and access the appropriate forms. To hear more from our 2019 HERO Award winners, check out their personal interviews on HERO’s YouTube channel!

*Important note: there have been changes to the nomination process, so please review all documents closely. If you have any questions, please contact Emily Wolfe, Emily.wolfe@hero-health.org.


HERO Health & Well-Being Best Practices Scorecard in Collaboration with Mercer©

HERO Scorecard Study Published in JOEM

Check out the new study published in the January 2020 issue of JOEM that identifies the four areas of practices from the HERO Scorecard associated with most effective workplace health and well-being initiatives. The study team was led by Mary Imboden and Jessica Grossmeier, with thanks to the following HERO research committee members for their collaboration on the publication: Patty Castle, Sara Johnson, Kristi Rahrig Jenkins, Shawn Mason, and Steven Noeldner. Funding for this study was provided by the Health Enhancement Research Organization (HERO) Research Partners, which include contributions by Kaiser Permanente, Prudential Financial, and StayWell.

Call for Study Committee volunteers!

Are you looking for ways to get involved with HERO? Consider joining a Study Committee in 2020!

The Culture of Health (CoH) and Engagement (ENG) Committees have been hard at work the past couple of years fulfilling their current charters. It’s become apparent that culture and engagement have quite a bit of synergy. As of 2020, we will explore this synergy under the umbrella of a new committee, the Employee Experience Committee (EEC). EEC will focus on the role of leadership in developing healthy workplace cultures and driving employee engagement. Join this committee and assist with charter development and bringing your voice and expertise to the table!

In addition, we are always accepting new volunteers to our other active and established Study Committees: Workplace Performance (WP) and Healthy Workplaces, Healthy Communities (HWHC). Check out previously published Committee deliverables on the Committees page!

For more information contact Emily Wolfe.

Please note: To join a HERO Committee, you must be an active HERO member. Due to the nature of the topic, HWHC includes participants outside of HERO membership.


Resources and Readings

HERO’s President on the Redesigning Wellness Podcast

Listen to Karen Moseley talk with host Jen Arnold on Constructive Dialogue and Collective Well-Being. Karen talks about what she wants to accomplish at HERO, the challenges in the wellness industry and what makes a comprehensive approach to wellness.

A New Network for HERO

HERO has joined the Well-Being In the Nation (WIN) Network, sharing the vision of well-being for all. The WIN Network has shepherded the development of the WIN measures, a set of common measures to show connections between social conditions, health, community, and well-being. HERO was one of the 100+ organizations that participated in the development of the measures.

Exemplary Health and Well-being Initiatives Featured in AJHP

Looking for real world examples of employers with stellar outcomes associated with their workplace health initiatives? Check out The Art of Health Promotion section in the January issue of the American Journal of Health Promotion for case studies from five employers, including the success factors they identified.

The American Journal of Health Promotion’s “Best of 2019 List” of Health Promotion Research

To honor some of health promotion’s best scientists and, in particular, to recognize those who bring outstanding humanity to their field of inquiry and bigheartedness to their writing, the American Journal of Health Promotion (AJHP) is pleased to announce our Papers of the Year from 2019.

The Most Read Health Affairs Blog Posts of 2019

The list includes the article by Forum19’s speaker Brian Castrucci, President and CEO of the de Beaumont Foundation, with John Auerbach, Meeting Individual Social Needs Falls Short Of Addressing Social Determinants Of Health. Brian and John give us thoughtful content highlighting the importance of individual-level vs. community-level social determinants of health.

Empowering Employers to Transform Health Care

EMPower@WHCC20 Empowering Employers to Transorm Health Care


The Learning Series

What are the “best” best practices? New HERO Study Suggests Organizational and Leadership Support Drives Outcomes

Wednesday, February 5th at 11:00 am CT Registration

Many organizations are interested in fostering an organizational culture that supports workforce health and well-being, but there is little research on the specific practices associated with outcomes and insufficient guidance on how to implement the practices effectively. This session highlights findings from a recently completed study leveraging data from 845 organizations completing the HERO Health and Well-being Best Practices Scorecard in Collaboration with Mercer©. A high-level presentation of findings will be followed by an interactive panel discussion about the challenges associated with implementing the identified practices and what employers can do to implement more successful health and well-being initiatives.

Jessica Grossmeier (moderator)
, PhD, MPH, Vice President of Research, HERO
Mary Imboden, PhD, Membership Manager and Research Associate, HERO
Sara Johnson, PhD, Co-president & CEO, Pro-Change Behavior Systems, Inc.
Steven Noeldner, PhD, Senior Consultant, Total Health Management Specialty Practice, Mercer
Kristi Rahrig Jenkins, PhD, MPH, Research Program Manager, MHealthy, University of Michigan

Webinar Registration


Steven Noeldner, PhDHERO member Steven Noeldner has recently celebrated 15 years at Mercer. He is currently a senior consultant in Mercer’s Total Health Management Specialty Practice. Congratulations Steven on this milestone!

If you are a HERO member celebrating a milestone or event and would like to be included in this new section of our newsletter, please send the information to info@hero-health.org.

©2025 Health Enhancement Research Organization ‘HERO’


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