The Future of Work: Cohesive Teams and Coherent Health Policies

This webinar features a recap from the Think Tank from HERO President Paul Terry, a presentation by Jeremy Doyle on “people analytics” and a workplace health promotion practitioner panel chaired by David Schweppe from Kaiser Permanente is available for HERO members only in our Resource Center.

The webinar recording is lengthy but you can navigate to different sections as follows:

  1. Think Tank Recap: The recording begins with a recap of learnings from the first day of the Think Tank by HERO CEO Paul Terry.
  2. HERO Vice President of Research, Jessica Grossmeier, introduces Jeremy Doyle of Humanyze (18:30)
  3. Think Tank Roundtable and Practitioner Panel, facilitated by David Schweppe (48:15)
  4. HERO Committee Reports and Opportunities (1:59:10)

Jeremy Doyle and Humanyze

Humanyze is a consulting company that uses advanced analytics examining peoples’ behaviors in order to improve organizations. Through sensing technology, Doyle and the Humanyze team gather data on where people go when they’re at work, who they are around, when they are speaking and who they are speaking to. Not to worry, privacy is a main concern and employees opt-in to the program. Plus, the “content” of conversations are never captured, only patterns related to when someone is speaking along with their volume, and tone. Individual data is only available to the individual in question. Everyone else only has access to aggregated data.

Periodically employees receive reports with benchmarks to see how their own behaviors compare to the larger group. Social sensing and analytics allows employers and employees alike to drive changes that increase team cohesion. Cohesive teams generate more trust, productivity and engagement. For example, Humanyze studied interactions in a call center and found that the top performers also had the strongest workplace social networks. In another case, they followed team members as they each worked on their own project. They mapped who people were going to for help and how that related to task completion speed. This revealed risks of dependency as well as four “unsung heroes” who nearly everyone asked for help but who otherwise would not have been recognized for their contributions to the success of others.

In many cases, mapping social networks reveals valuable insights about organizations that help leadership and employees alike to improve their workspace. Doyle’s presentation can be found from 18:30-48:15 of this recording.


©2025 Health Enhancement Research Organization ‘HERO’


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