FOMO and Forum22: A message from Forum22 Director Paul Terry, and HERO President and CEO, Karen Moseley

Smartphone addiction is kind of sad given FOMO, ‘fear of missing out,’ has us checking our phones once every four minutes. That’s 344 times per day! But here’s something that would be REALLY sad, and that’s if you miss out on this year’s HEROForum22 at the resplendent Amelia Island, Florida. Let’s get real about legit FOMO, the kind that transcends worries about missing a zinger tweet. You’ll have three big regrets if you don’t get busy and register for Forum now! For sure, Amelia Island is amazing. And, for real, we have attracted some of the best minds in our field to teach us about what’s working in advancing worksite well-being. But, forever, we’ve heard that Forum goers simply love being a part of HERO’s fun-loving, inspirational, and super smart community. And that’s the kind of FOMO that can’t be satisfied by staring at your phone or computer. Behavioral economics experts tell us that “loss avoidance” is even more powerful than gaining something new. Well, by attending HEROForum live, you get both needs satisfied! You gain new knowledge and professional contacts and you avoid missing out on seeing old friends and making new ones!! We’ve asked that only fully vaccinated people attend and we’ll be following all CDC guidelines on-site to keep everyone safe. As much as we’ve been proud to bring you many meaningful remote learning events during these pandemic years, we’ve missed the advantages of live learning AND we’ve deeply missed seeing you!! Forum will be here before you know it. The HERO team hopes to see you soon!

“How the Choices We Have Influence the Choices We Make: Diversity, Inclusion, and the Integration of Lifestyle Medicine and Population Health Promotion.” 

A tribute from Paul Terry, PhD, HERO Senior Fellow

It was with sadness alongside profound admiration and fond memories that the HERO team learned that Dr. Dee Edington passed away. His family has posted a tribute site, and HERO will be joining many others in offering our condolences to his loved ones. Among Dr. Edington’s amazing list of honors is the Mark Dundon Research Award. In 2014 HERO was proud to recognize Dr. Edingtonx for his extraordinary leadership and groundbreaking research into the benefits of worksite wellness programming. Dr. Edington was a frequent presenter at HERO conferences and in a 2015 Issue of the American Journal of Health Promotion (Vol.30, Issue 1, 2015), an article featured “Twenty Two Health Promotion Pioneers.”

A tribute was authored by Dr. Wayne Burton who was also a HERO research award winner. In honor of Dr. Edington, here is Dr. Burton’s tribute from that article in 2015:

“Dr. Edington is best known for: His over three decades of research and teachings that demonstrate the association of health risk factors with medical, pharmacy, disability, absenteeism, and presenteeism costs for employers. He and his University of Michigan colleagues were first to publish the concept of excess costs associated with health risks and also the landmark Steelcase study showing that changes in costs follow changes in risks, which is a fundamental basis of health promotion. He has taught healthcare purchasers that keeping healthy people healthy is an essential part of the management of the spiraling cost of healthcare. Applying his ideas through over 800 publications and presentations around the world, his research has demonstrated that the management of health risks is the key to the management of population health. Although corporations devote a large percentage of their budgets to employee health care costs, CEOs and other company managers have no training in how to help employees be healthy and high-performing people. Dr. Edington’s research speaks to the importance of helping healthy people stay healthy as well as addressing the high risks of the small percentage of employees who incur the greatest percentage of costs. Furthermore, organizations that have created a ‘culture of health’ are experiencing far more favorable health care cost trends. Yet, he emphasizes that it is important to treat each individual as a whole person rather than focusing on the individual’s health risk factors. Dr. Edington successfully translated his research on the linkages between health risks, which are easily measured by a health risk appraisal and biometric testing, into practical steps for companies, health plans, and other public and private organizations. In his landmark book, Zero Trends: Health as a Serious Economic Strategy, he defines five pillars for achieving a successful ‘culture of health’ in organizations and communities. Dr. Edington enjoys working with organizations committed to reversing the unsustainable trend in rising health care costs and decreasing productivity measures while establishing themselves as a best place to work.”

Leave your tribute to Dee Edington


2022 Healthcare Summit

The Great Healthcare Resignation: Leveraging Employee Well-being as Part of the Solution

Sept. 20, 2022 | 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM ET (local time)
Omni Amelia Island Resort, Fernandina Beach, FL

Stress, burnout, and workforce mental health needs have increased the numbers of caregivers leaving the bedside and the greater healthcare industry. And while pandemic-related stressors contributed to this attrition, they also put a spotlight on pre-existing issues. As the demand for health services grows, the supply of workers declines, creating an expanding gap. As healthcare organizations grapple with the staffing crisis, performance challenges, and cost of total population health, employee well-being is an especially critical component in retaining healthcare workers while attracting new talent.

Learn More & Register Today


Pre-Healthcare Summit: Town Hall Sessions

August 23rd | 12:00-12:30 PM ET 
Virtual Event

To tee up this year’s Healthcare Summit meeting, HERO is hosting three 30-minute Healthcare Town Hall Sessions. Our LAST Town Hall Session will be August 23rd at 12:00 p.m. ET/11:00 a.m. CT. Town Halls provide an opportunity for healthcare professionals to discuss specific challenges facing the industry today while also sharing innovative solutions. A host will open with comments framing a particular challenge and a solution they are attempting. Then participants will engage in an open discussion, sharing insights to foster cross-organization connections and learning.

For questions or more information, please contact

Register for Town Hall

Fall Think Tank

Registration Open Now! 

Will new and emerging guidance improve employer efforts to advance workforce mental health?

Sept. 20th, 2022 | 2:00 – 5:00 PM ET (local time)
Omni Amelia Island Resort, Fernandina Beach, FL

Workforce mental health (WMH) came to the forefront during the pandemic, as the COVID crisis and our response to it disrupted the way we live and work, adding new stressors and amplifying existing ones. Well before the pandemic, issues of employee engagement, burnout, and “diseases of despair” prompted HERO to focus our research on WMH as well as make it a learning priority at our Think Tanks and Forums. Now with the pandemic waning, at least for now, additional challenges related to returning to the workplace, new hybrid work models, economic and financial strain, and the great resignation further underscore the need for advancing WMH best practices that employers can readily access, understand, and implement.

Learn More about the Theme

Recommended Readings FTT 2022

3 CHES Credits Available

Sponsored by Health Enhancement Research Organization (HERO), a designated provider of continuing education contact hours (CECH) in health education by the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc. This program is designated for Certified Health Education Specialists (CHES) and/or Master Certified Health Education Specialists (MCHES) to receive up to 3 total Category I contact education contact hours. Provider ID#101039

HERO’s Third Annual FitVent Invitational

The Annual HERO FitVent Invitational will return for the third year! HERO is excited to announce that with the partnership of WebMD, the FitVent challenge will take place once more this fall, beginning with a warm-up week on September 21st. More details to come soon! Watch our Forum22 webpage for more information and other special events.

Forum22 Agenda and Speakers Announced!

How the Choices We Have Influence the Choices We Make: Diversity, Inclusion, and the Integration of Lifestyle Medicine and Population Health Promotion

Sept. 21-23, 2022 | ET (local time)
Omni Amelia Island Resort, Fernandina Beach, FL

An enduring reality that has sustained the preventive medicine movement is that over fifty percent of early death and disability can be attributed to lifestyle. While innovative efforts to support positive behavior change have resulted in countless success stories in tobacco control, disease management, and fitness, it remains that negative trends in obesity and chronic conditions have been as inexorable as the aging of the nation. To be sure, aging and health decline are interrelated, but that doesn’t reconcile the untoward disparities in lifespans and disease rates between the rich and poor or between whites and people of color.



Don’t miss out on Early Bird registration fees and incredible resort accommodations with the HERO conference hotel room block discounts! Learn more here: Accommodations

Thanks to our *NEW* Forum sponsors!

Associate Level

Questions on Forum sponsorship? Email


HERO Health and Well-being Best Practices Scorecard in Collaboration with Mercer©

Have you taken the updated 2022 HERO Health and Well-Being Best Practices Scorecard in Collaboration with Mercer© (HERO Scorecard)? The Version 5 HERO Scorecard has new questions that encompass DEI, Mental Health, and SDOH. Take the Scorecard today!


Ardmore Institute of Health - Home of Plate Full LivingHERO receives Ardmore Grants

In May, HERO announced a new initiative funded by Ardmore Institute of Health and centered around integrating lifestyle medicine into the workplace through health and well-being offerings from employees: “Activating Employers as Agents of Change in the Implementation of Lifestyle Medicine.” Read the Press Release

On September 20th, Dr. Sara Johnson, HERO’s Senior Research Fellow, will facilitate a free, inter-professional workshop that includes key stakeholders from the employer ecosystem. The goal of the interactive workshop is to review the findings of mixed-methods research on employers from diverse regions of the country and to generate insights about how best to promote the adoption of and enable employers to advocate for reimbursement of Lifestyle Medicine.

For more information visit: Lifestyle Medicine Workshop – HERO Forum (




Have you signed up for the HERO Research Briefs? Published by our Director of Research, Dr. Mary Imboden, this curated newsletter is emailed to subscribers quarterly. Have questions or want to share Research? Reach out to Mary at


HERO Committees at work: Interview Series Line Up

The Workplace Mental Health Committee and the Employee Experience Committee are each working on a series of video interviews revolving around their respective focus. Each committee will share these videos privately for members-only through the HERO member library. However, the videos will be available to the public through the main HERO website for a limited time upon release. Watch for this information and publication of the videos on the HERO’s main webpage slider.

Confirmed upcoming interviews include:

Workplace Mental Health Video Interview Series, sharing stories of what employers of different sizes and industries are doing to support workforce mental health in changing times.

Upcoming Interviews:

American Heart Association

Shell Oil

Andersen Construction

Metro Nashville Public Schools

Employee Experience Video Interview Series, sharing stories highlighting how employers of different sizes and industries define, shape, and measure the employee experience and to support their workforce.

Recent Interviews:

Jackson Healthcare

Upcoming Interviews:

HUB International

St. Croix Medical Center

The University of Michigan


For questions or more information, please contact


The Learning Series

Registration open for upcoming webinars

July 12th at 12:00 pm CT – A Forum preview with Ray Fabius MD, Co-founder & President of HealthNext, and special guests from the CDC Foundation, and the Greater Philadelphia Business Coalition on Health (GPBCH). These organizations have partnered to improve the health and well-being of the Philadelphia metropolitan service area. To accomplish this, they’ve established a learning collaborative with several like-minded employers who have stepped forward to improve the lives of over 50,000 employees and their families. This webinar will feature best practices for and challenges to elevating the health and well-being of their workforces, their families, and community.


July 27th –  Members-Only at 12:00 pm CT with Leslie Hammer of the Oregon Healthy Workforce Center. This members-only webinar will tackle “Workplace Policies that Impact Employee Mental Health.”

To register, email Ariane Mistral.

August 25th David Ballard, HERO’s Scientific Advisor for Workforce Mental Health, and Emily Wolfe, HERO’s Director of Learning Experience, along with a special guest, will preview a discussion on “Will new and emerging standards, guidelines, and best practice recommendations improve employer efforts to advance workforce mental health?” This webinar is open to the public.

Leslie Hammer, PhD


David Ballard, PhD


Ray Fabius, MD


Resources and Readings

  • A HERO favorite, Dee Edington’s book: “Zero trends: health as a serious economic strategy.” University of Michigan, Health Management Research Center. 2009.
  • One of Dee Edington’s most influential studies: Edington DW, Yen L, Witting P. “The financial impact of changes in personal health practices.” Journal of Occupational Environmental Medicine. 1997;39:10371049.

©2025 Health Enhancement Research Organization ‘HERO’


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