Total Worker Health®: Getting Further Upstream in the Integration of Safety, Well-being and Mental Health

A free members-only event

February 27 – February 28, 2023

Chapel Hill, North Carolina

The Rizzo Center

2023 Winter Think Tank Agenda

2023 Winter Think Tank Rec. Readings

2023 Winter Think Tank Speaker Bios

Harvard Center for Work, Health, & Well-Being | Guidelines for Implementing an Integrated Approach

HERO’s Winter Think Tank, 2023, focused on “Total Worker Health” by exploring the advantages that are accruing to companies that are intentionally integrating health, safety, and mental well-being. As with all of HERO’s Think Tanks, we will recruit scientists who can describe the current state of practice as well as private sector innovators who can give us glimpses into a brighter future state. The HERO Health and Well-being Scorecard in Collaboration with Mercer© (HERO Scorecard) results from completers from throughout the nation will be used to develop our Think Tank learning objectives and to inform round table discussions. For example, Scorecard completers indicate whether: “Safety and injury prevention are elements of health and well-being goals and objectives,” or if “Health and well-being elements are included in the worksite safety program,” or if “Safety data is combined with health and well-being data for identification, reporting, and analytics.” “Total Worker Health”, using the definition from the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), is: “Policies, programs, and practices that integrate protection from work-related safety and health hazards with promotion of injury and illness prevention efforts to advance worker well-being.” In this Think Tank, we will explore the variation between organizations with respect to how deeply illness prevention (i.e. wellness and health promotion) overlaps with accident and injury prevention. We will also feature a new NIOSH/HERO partnership that represents a unique opportunity to put an organization’s self-assessment (i.e. HERO Scorecard) of their investments in Total Worker Health alongside the anonymous feedback from employees (i.e. NIOSH WellBQ) about perceptions such as quality of work life, circumstances outside of work, supervisor support and physical and mental health status. NIOSH funds ten “Centers of Excellence” that are hubs for Total Worker Health-related research to “build the scientific evidence base necessary to develop new solutions for complex occupational safety and health problems.” The research priorities at each of these academic centers are helping inform this HERO Think Tank agenda.

The Rizzo Center – Chapel Hill, North Carolina

©2025 Health Enhancement Research Organization ‘HERO’


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