This month finds HERO staff reflecting upon the learnings from our Winter Think Tank in Austin, Texas while we’re gearing up for our Summer Think Tank gathering in Minnesota. In Austin, we addressed the topic of “Overdosed. Are we taking in too much?” where we challenged Think Tank members to gather insights from leading experts around how to address addiction and mental health issues, as well as foster meaningful connections in an age of social media and technology innovations that may impede empathy and connections at work and home. It was an extraordinary time of cooperation, sharing, and transparency as members opened up about some of the challenges they’ve faced in their work and home lives. HERO members can access Think Tank Proceedings along with slide presentations and recordings by accessing the members-only Think Tank General Library on the HERO members’ website.
Read more below for information about HERO’s upcoming events and newly released publications.

HERO Summer Think Tank: Developing Dashboards to Engage Leaders at All Levels (a free MEMBERS ONLY event)
June 19, 2018 | Edina, MN
Leadership support is essential for sustainable, effective health and well-being initiatives, and sharing program evaluation and performance data is one strategy for building leadership support. But how do you effectively translate program evaluation data into a meaningful story of value for stakeholders at all levels of the organization? This HERO member gathering will include top thought leaders, industry innovators, and experienced managers from best-practice companies in an intimate, small-group format. Preliminary meeting agenda now available.
Register for Think Tank and Reserve a Room at the Westin Edina Galleria where HERO has secured a group rate of $199 per night and is available until May 19, 2018.
From the C-Suite to the Shop Floor: Well-being for All
October 2-4, 2018 | Sawgrass Marriott Golf Resort & Spa, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL
Everyone agrees that the aims of the C-Suite and the shop floor need to be aligned and congruent. Health improvement has always required interconnectivity between an organization and its sub-groups and individuals. But here’s the big, audacious challenge: health risks and related costs have not abated and the pathways between well-being and business performance are still being forged in both science and practice. At HEROForum18, we will focus on elevating the conversation in worksite health promotion by bringing new thinking, open and honest disciplined reflection and, as always, innovative new strategies and tools to make well-being possible for all. Next month, we will introduce you to the confirmed speakers for HEROForum18, but you can reserve your seat (and your bed) now.
Registration for HEROForum18 and the new HEROForum18 website will open next week.
Reserve a room at the Sawgrass Marriott.
New Research on Business Outcomes
Employers are eager to connect health and well-being initiatives to business outcomes such as attraction and retention of top talent, but there has been little solid research available to support the business case. Until now! Check out the Industry Research Review authored by Gretchen Heacock, “Predictors of Wellness Program Participation and Outcomes,” which summarizes a recently published study examining influencers of participation in worksite well-being initiatives and the business outcomes associated with participation. Spoiler alert: outcomes include employee perceptions about their organization, job performance and voluntary turnover.
Culture of Health Case Study Profiles CDC
The Culture of Health Study Committee has been developing case studies that demonstrate how employers intentionally foster a healthy culture in the workplace based on the study committee’s definition and elements of a culture of health. Check out the latest published case study featuring the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), along with those featuring Hennepin County, Interactive Health, Maui Jim, Stanford University, and the University of Michigan.
Chief Executive Profiles Employer-Community Collaboration Efforts
What makes corporate leaders more likely to join community health efforts? This article by HERO CEO Paul Terry provides answers from a HERO report developed in collaboration with co-chairs from HERO’s Employer-Community Collaboration Committee, Nico Pronk and Cathy Baase. Read this article to learn about employer priorities for community health and key elements business leaders look for when deciding to get involved.
Resources and Readings
Help us Reward Excellence in Health and Well-being
The deadline is fast approaching for the ninth annual HERO Workplace Health & Well-Being Awards. Nominate a deserving peer by April 30 to recognize outstanding leadership, achievements, and commitment to the field of workplace health and well-being (HWB).
The 2018 awards include:
The HERO Workplace Health & Well-Being Awards are our industry’s premier individual awards program. Visit the HERO website today to find more information and download nomination forms.
Apply Now For Global Healthy Workplace Awards
The deadline is April 23 to apply for the 6th Global Healthy Workplace Awards. The 2018 Global Awards are hosted by the Global Centre for Healthy Workplaces (GCHW) with the support of the Health Protection Agency of Bergamo. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), large employers, and multi-national organizations are invited to apply with the aim of being recognized as the world’s best employer for health and well-being.
The Global Healthy Workplace Awards enable employers to benchmark their programs to the global standard and, if successful, to celebrate their outstanding achievement in promoting a safe and healthy work environment complementary to the business performance of the organization. Applications are open to ALL employer organizations (for profit and not-for-profit, local and international).
Two finalists per category will be invited to present their programs at the forthcoming 6th Global Healthy Workplace Awards & Summit on Sept. 6-7, 2018, in Bergamo, Italy. Finalists will be announced in May.
Kate Wollin
Throughout 2018, each edition of HERO Briefs will include a member profile with answers to three questions we believe will interest HERO members.
Our April member profile features Kate Wolin, ScD, FACSM, chief science officer at Interactive Health.
Q: What is a key focus for your health and well-being initiatives in the coming months?
A: Behavioral medicine has long known that people are different and context matters. Our new initiatives will add deeper personalization and address the social and environmental context in which people make health and wellness decisions.
Q: What 2-3 metrics do you follow most closely that best capture the value proposition of your efforts in your organization?
A: Programmatic adherence: We know that adherence is key to outcomes for many lifestyle behavior changes, so we continue to look for new ways to expand our platform to sustain program engagement throughout the year.
Reach: We are expanding our service offerings in order to meet the needs of the entire employee population, recognizing that individual preferences and needs can vary.
Q: What’s on your personal reading list that you’d recommend to fellow HERO members?
A: John Adams: I really appreciate the value of long, slow communication in our fire-off, 140-character world after reading about the letters Adams and Jefferson sent each other.
DEC is Dead, Long Live DEC: This book tells a story about how the culture of innovation that led to initial success at the Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) was also the source of the company’s downfall. We have seen this since at places like RIM (Blackberry).
Register today for the 2018 MEMBERS ONLY Summer Think Tank
June 19, 2018 | Edina, MN