HEROForum18 is right around the corner!

In this month’s Briefs, you will find information on the keynotes, panels and networking that HEROForum18 has to offer, October 2nd–4th in beautiful Ponte Vedra Beach, FL. Three days of learning designed to advance your work in improving the health and well-being of all workers, from those on the front lines and beyond.

Come early for HERO’s pre-Forum events on Monday, October 1st. That morning we will be hosting the University and Healthcare Summits. Each Summit features expert panels discussing research and trends unique to University faculty and staff and healthcare systems. That afternoon the members-only Fall Think Tank takes place at 2:30 PM convening experts to discourse on “The Intersection of Financial Well-being and Mental Health.” We hope to see you all there!

Finally, this month’s HERO webinars bring context to wellness and well-being in the community and society as a whole. Brita Roy and Patty Purpur de Vries, whose “Collective Well-being” webinar is today, will also be presenting at the upcoming University Summit. Read on for more information on all upcoming events below.



From the C-Suite to the Shop Floor: Well-being for All
October 2-4, 2018 | Sawgrass Marriott Golf Resort & Spa, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL

HERO Forum18 banner

We’re down to the details for HEROForum18, and we couldn’t be more pleased with the speakers, presentations, networking events, location and overall agenda that have come together for this year’s conference. We’ll honor six new recipients of the HERO Health & Well-Being Awards throughout the week, and The Health Project will recognize three companies with C. Everett Koop National Health Award Honorable Mentions.

Things to Do

✔ Browse the 3-Day AGENDA
✔ Meet our EXPERTS
✔ REGISTER for HEROForum18

HERO Healthcare Summit

What Do Consumers Really Want? Health System Transformation in the Era of Consumerism
October 1, 2018 | Sawgrass Marriott Golf Resort & Spa, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL

U.S. Healthcare is in a state of constant rapid and tumultuous transformation driven by advancing technology, unsustainable rising costs and changing consumer demands and expectations. Healthcare consumerism has intensified as consumers are sharing an increasing economic burden and are confronted with expanding options for accessing healthcare services. This year’s Healthcare Summit will explore the role of healthcare consumerism on health care transformation and its impact on key stakeholders.

Things to Do

✔ Read the AGENDA
✔ REGISTER for the Healthcare Summit

HERO University Summit

Community Building as a Pathway to a Thriving Campus
October 1, 2018 | Sawgrass Marriott Golf Resort & Spa, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL

Includes the University Summit Dinner on Sunday, September 30th.

Things to Do

✔ Read the AGENDA
✔ REGISTER for the University Summit

HERO Fall Think Tank

A HERO Members Only Event

The Intersection of Financial Well-being and Mental Health
October 1, 2018 | Sawgrass Marriott Golf Resort & Spa, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL

The movement from wellness to well-being has been, at its heart, a shift from a human deficits orientation that focused on reducing health risks and managing disease to an assets-based model that appreciates individual autonomy and aspirations and fosters human performance. In practice, this shift has been ushered in by more workplace initiatives intent on building a supportive culture and social connectivity. Though the need for health coaching for stress, healthy eating and smoking cessation has not abated, we are also seeing ever more programs that teach mindfulness, financial well-being and resiliency. Review the teachings about dualism from the likes of Aristotle and René Descartes and you are reminded that the connection between mind and body are far from new concepts. Nevertheless, are employers and workplaces poised to do like the Greek and French philosopher/scientists did and foster a seamless integration between their occupational health and mental health initiatives?

Informal interviews with HERO members and study committees over the past months show that worksite health promotion leaders fully appreciate the profound intersection between financial well-being and mental health. Nevertheless, we are at the nascent stages of an inclusive approach that treats this busy intersection as a place where strategic planning, data collection and program evaluation should reside. In this HERO Think Tank, we will walk carefully through this perilous intersection and, in our usual Hegelian dialectic fashion, we will conjure and debate various theses and antitheses relating to money and emotions. We will ask how financial well-being initiatives can be tailored to address both the famine of savings in America as well as confront the mental strain that is eroding American resiliency and productivity. Most decidedly, we will structure this half day to equip HERO members with ideas and actionable approaches to walking into this intersection with confidence and with eyes wide open about the grand possibilities on the other side.

Things to Do

✔ Read the AGENDA
✔ REGISTER for Fall Think Tank (HERO members only)


HERO Culture of Health Research Featured in USA Today

What works for creating a culture of health in the workplace? The September 2018 issue of Mediaplanet’s Future of Business and Tech — which is also included as a special insert in  USAToday in major US markets — includes an article co-authored by HERO member Jennifer Flynn from Johnson & Johnson and HERO vice president of research, Jessica Grossmeier. The article mentions recently published HERO research and five key strategies for building a healthy culture from the HERO Culture of Health Committee. Hard copies of the section will be available at HERO Forum. In the meantime, check out the online article at the following link.

Your Support Needed: Take 5 Minutes and Support New Health and Well-being Research!

Case Western Reserve University is conducting a research project using worksite wellness professionals as participants. The project is being conducted this fall in partial fulfillment of requirements for the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree for Elizabeth Click, ND, RN.  Please take 5 minutes to help us learn more about how to improve health in your organization by clicking on this link. All survey responses will be kept confidential; only aggregate data will be reported. Thank you for participating in this important study.


From Wellness to Well-being to “Collective Well-being”: Our field’s growing ambitions in research and practice.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018 – 12 p.m. CDT

Brita Roy, MD, MPH, MHS Patty Purpur de Vries, MS

With Guests: Brita Roy, MD, MPH, MHS, Assistant Professor in the Section of General Internal Medicine at the Yale School of Medicine and the Director of Population Health for Yale Medicine, and Patty Purpur de Vries, Associate Director of Faculty and Staff Wellness at Stanford University.

In this session, Brita Roy and Patty Purpur de Vries will introduce collective well-being as a holistic measure of the overall “health” of a community. They will define collective well-being as a group-level construct measured across five domains (vitality, opportunity, connectedness, contribution, and inspiration), and introduce an actionable model that demonstrates how community characteristics effect collective well-being. They will provide an overview of each domain and briefly review the literature describing each domain’s association with health outcomes.  Click here to register.

Shared Responsibility for Resilience: Uncovering the Factors

Thursday, September 27, 2018 – 1 p.m. CDT


Washington, DC-based Greenleaf Integrative completed a study for the globally dispersed governmental agency, USAID, to assess the psychosocial difficulties and contextual stressors faced by the agency’s humanitarian relief workers and the supports available to them. The key insights from the study fueled recommendations for structural changes within the agency, as well as Greenleaf’s continued philosophy of shared responsibility for resilience in organizations operating in highly demanding environments. Webinar participants are invited to download a research summary prior to the webinar. Register now online.

Dr. Siddharth Shah, M.D.Siddharth Ashvin Shah, MD, MPH, is a physician and public health scientist who seeks to change the way we regard our society’s helpers, protectors, and healers — people and organizations who operate in demanding and traumatic environments. Siddharth’s interdisciplinary expertise spans the humanities, social sciences, common sense preventive medicine, cross-cultural resilience and spiritual practices, trauma-informed care, disaster public mental health, and real-world applications of cutting-edge neuroscientific thinking. He serves as CEO of Greenleaf Integrative, collaborating with his expert staff on the development of integrative wellbeing solutions. Greenleaf grew out of Siddharth’s international consulting to governments, health care organizations, NGOs, and the private sector in the areas of chronic high stress, brain health, trauma resiliency, strategic communications, and leadership effectiveness.


Resources and Readings

Creating Psychologically Safe and Healthy Workplaces in the U.S. and Canada

Wednesday, October 10, 2018 – 3 p.m. ET

The International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans presents a webcast for World Mental Health Day: Creating Psychologically Safe and Healthy Workplaces in the United States and Canada, featuring David W. Ballard from the American Psychological Association and Laura Pratt from Great-West Life.


Dexter ShurneyDexter Shurney

Throughout 2018, each edition of HERO Briefs will include a member profile with answers to three questions we believe will interest HERO members.

Our September member profile features Dexter Shurney, Chief Medical Officer and Senior Vice President of Clinical Affairs at  Zipongo.

Q. Can you share a story about an executive leader who is helping you advance well-being in your organization?

A. Throughout my career, I have been fortunate to have worked for many extraordinary leaders. Tom Linebarger, the CEO of Cummins, however, stands out as a unique leader in advancing corporate well-being. He is not a healthcare executive, yet he walks the talk, is more informed and supportive of well-being efforts than most healthcare executives I know.

Q. What’s a new professional resource (i.e. websites, measures, tools, books) you’ve found useful for improving your efforts?

A. As the Chief Medical Officer for Zipongo, a Lifestyle Medicine (LM) organization focusing on nutrition and making eating healthy simple, one of my “go-to” resources is https://www.lifestylemedicine.org/. It’s current and a reliable source on much of the latest work in the field. The book, “The China Study” by T. Colin Campbell and the documentary film, “Forks Over Knives,” were my first encounters with LM and fundamentally changed my views on where to target population health efforts to bring about true transformation.

Q. What’s on your personal reading list that you’d recommend to fellow HERO members?

A. I’ve been fascinated by a book my friend Bruce Sherman recently recommended I read, “Scarcity: Why Having Too Little Means So Much” by Sendhil Mullainathan and Eldar Shafir. It’s a provocative analysis of how resource scarcity — whether time, money, access — often lead to suboptimal decisions. It’s a useful reminder of how not to fall into these traps and how to recognize the consequences and use scarcity as a positive advantage in changing behaviors.

©2025 Health Enhancement Research Organization ‘HERO’


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