Loneliness in an Era of Hyper-connectivity: The Employer’s Role in Addressing Social Isolation

A free members-only event

September 9, 2019

Portland, Oregon

Portland Marriott Downtown Waterfront


aerial view of Portland, Oregon

2:30 – 9:00 PM PT

It seems more than ironic that at a time when social media can connect us via countless channels it appears we are feeling increasingly lonely. Why is that? Clearly, burnout rates, increased suicide and drug use rates and the rise of the socially and politically disaffected are multi-faceted problems calling for multi-dimensional solutions. Still, recent studies show loneliness to have morbidity and mortality equivalencies to obesity and smoking and, to be sure, social isolation is undoubtedly as correlated with these physical maladies as to mental health and overall well-being. This think tank will focus on social health and asks what unique role the worksite health and well-being movement can play in assessing the issues and advancing solutions. What kind of employer leadership can we catalyze that breaks through the stigma of loneliness? Round table discussions will challenge us to consider what it will take to make inclusiveness, civility and sensitivity to and support for mental health the best way to do business.


(You will be directed to the Forum registration site to register for the Fall Think Tank. You may also register for Forum19 and/or the pre-Forum Summits and Workshops at the same time.)

©2025 Health Enhancement Research Organization ‘HERO’


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