February 22, 2018 11:00 am Central


Guest Panelists:

David Molitor, PhD

The HERO Policy Committee, co-chaired by Laurie Whitsel of the American Heart Association and Jim Pshock of Bravo Wellness, is pleased to invite all HERO members to join the committee’s next meeting, which we will conduct as a webinar.

We are hosting Dr. David Molitor who is one of the investigators in the recently released Illinois Workplace Wellness Study. This research is based on a large, randomized controlled trial of a comprehensive wellness program at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The study reports on first year data relating to participation, behavior change and health care utilization.

Relating to the work of our Policy Committee, we will be particularly focused on the effects of financial incentives on participation and examine demographic differences and peer effects on participation. We will discuss how the Illinois study findings may help to inform guidance to EEOC, AARP and others seeking clarification on the impact of the ACA wellness provisions on effectiveness and equity in worksite wellness.

Dr. David Molitor is the Assistant Professor of Finance at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Other appointments include Research Associate, Center for Business and Public Policy and Faculty Research Fellow, National Bureau of Economic Research. David earned his PhD in Economics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2012 and a BS in Math and Economics from the University of Minnesota in 2007.

David’s research explores factors that shape health and health care delivery in the United States, with a focus on physician behavior, technology adoption, and environmental adaptation. He is a Principal Investigator of the Illinois Workplace Wellness Study, a large-scale field experiment of workplace wellness conducted at the University of Illinois. His work has been supported by the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, J-PAL North America, and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

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