September 26, 2017 12:00 am Central
Guest Panelists:

Michael W. Beets, MEd, MPH, PhD

R. Glenn Weaver, PhD
What Can Workplace Health Promoters Learn from Food Policy and Practices in Schools?
If “building a culture of health” is to become more than a bromide in workplace health promotion, examples of policies that transform a culture and become commonly accepted are essential. Research into the health benefits of food policy changes in schools offers some of the most compelling evidence that cultures can be changed in real life systems. But schools are systems where paternalism and choice architecture is commonly accepted, some would say even expected. Can what we’ve learned from school-based food policy be applied at workplaces where libertarianism and paternalism sometimes coexist but other times cause conflict? To examine such questions, we have invited an encore webinar presentation from authors of one of the American Journal of Health Promotion’s Papers of the Year from 2016. Our guests Dr. Michael Beets and Dr. Glenn Weaver led a randomized controlled trial on how changes in food quality and costs affected food consumption. They will summarize their findings and offer us an update on their latest studies. Dr. Beets refers to himself as a “public health commonsense’ist” working to harness “real life” systems and help shape the direction of the field of public health interventions targeting childhood obesity. Dr. Weaver conducts research in schools and out of school time programs to address unhealthy weight gain in youth. As always, we will leave plenty of time for your questions and poll you on your views about whether school-based food policies have takeaway lessons ready for primetime in worksite settings.
This webinar is available to members only.