What’s new in Version 5 of the HERO Scorecard?

The HERO Health and Well-being Best Practices Scorecard in Collaboration with Mercer© (HERO Scorecard) is a free online survey that was designed as an educational and benchmarking tool to help employers identify and assess their use of practices that support more effective health and well-being initiatives. Since the initial launch …

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HERO May Briefs

Shine a Light: May is Mental Health Month “I wasn’t just in darkness. I had become the dark.” These powerful words were penned by my friend, Cooper Thornton, who just last week released his 13-chapter essay in which he shares very personally his experience with depression and treatment during the …

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The War on Truth Reading List

HERO’s Summer Think Tank’s Theme is “The employer’s role in plugging the disinformation rabbit hole.” Below is our reading list on this subject to help us consider our roles as guardians against the growing assaults on science.   Paul E. Terry, PhD, “Untangling Truth, Facts, and Opinions: Why Simple Tenets of Science Have …

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HERO April Briefs

HEROForum21: Something for everyone! Early in life, I learned that you can’t please everyone all of the time, or even some of the time. While I still believe that to be true, I think we’re very close to a variety of options for HEROForum21 that will satisfy even the harshest …

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Strategic Health Program Planning in 2021: Tips on building successful, fluid, and flexible plans

This session will help you identify wellness program goals and align them to your company’s 3- to 5-year plans, point out strategic collaborations to think about, and guide you in the planning & implementation it takes (even during uncertain times!) to succeed at delivering best in class health programs your …

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HERO March Briefs

Celebrate Women’s History Month! Last week at our regular HERO team Zoom meeting, we had a celebration. As each person logged in to the meeting the screen filled with the faces of our team members, culminating in a perfect 3×3 “Brady Bunch” grid of women’s faces, and we took the …

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It’s Mental Health Month! Time for a Purpose-Driven Fresh Start?

It’s May — Mental Health Month. Seems like we really need Mental Health Year! Let’s take a long view of mental health, not just treating those who are anxious and depressed (which has tripled in the past year), but also creating conditions for resilience and well-being. Dr. Strecher will present …

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Turning Crisis into Opportunity: Seven Ways Businesses Can Align with Public Health for Bold Action and Innovation

The coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19) has revealed that, as a society, the U.S. is woefully unprepared to deal with a major public health emergency. This crisis has laid bare the weakness of our public health infrastructure with severe consequences to our economy and social fabric. The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of …

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2021 Summer Think Tank Meeting

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Call for Committee Volunteers!

HERO Study Committees entered 2021 developing refreshed charters affording new opportunities to get involved! As a HERO member, one of the best ways to contribute and network is through volunteer committee work. Based on member interest and industry needs, study committees discuss, analyze and investigate topics aligned with HERO’s research priorities …

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©2024 Health Enhancement Research Organization ‘HERO’


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