HERO November Briefs

HERO’s Move Benefits Local Food Pantry This year has taught us so much and challenged us to think differently about a number of areas, among them work and community. Pre-COVID, the HERO team — spread from East Coast to West Coast — was already working remotely most of the time, …

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Changing Health and Well-Being Practices among Large Employers: Reviewing 
Six Years of HERO Scorecard Data

Authored by Beth Umland, Director of Employer Research for Health and Benefits, Mercer More than 1,300 organizations have completed Version 4 of the HERO Health and Well-Being Best Practices Scorecard in Collaboration with Mercer since it was launched in 2014. As we prepare to move on to Version 5 of …

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HERO October Briefs

Coming Soon, HEROForum20 PROCEEDINGS! At HERO, when we do research, we focus on applied research, examining practical issues and seeking out solutions. We also take an applied approach when we plan education programs. So at Forum20 we asked ourselves how our profession could best live up to the extraordinary and …

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New Insights on the Role of Incentives in Workplace Well-being

Financial incentives continue to be a core component of workplace well-being initiatives, with 78% of larger employers offering them in some form. While past research has shown that incentives are effective in driving participation in some components of wellness programming, a new HERO study assesses the impact of incentive design …

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THRiVE-ing Employees: Raising Awareness of Mental Health

In today’s increasingly challenging world, Brown Brothers Harriman (BBH) has supported total employee well-being by ensuring a culture of health. Even before the pandemic made its appearance, expanding the culture of health to a culture of caring was part of our future state. Through a combination of factors including our …

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A Barber, a Professor and an Entrepreneur Walk into a Room: Health Equity and the Strength of Weak Ties

Perhaps, like me, you get invitations to meetings where you’re not convinced it will be time well spent, but you acquiesce nevertheless. Minnesota nice is my excuse. When a health futurist comes calling, the temptation to invent excuses looms larger still. And as much as I’m hard pressed to say …

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Ryan Bojrab, DPT, LSSBB; Senior Director of Health Strategy, First Person

Ryan Bojrab, DPT, LSSBBSenior Director of Health Strategy, First Person Ryan Bojrab brings almost ten years of combined experience in healthcare administration, clinical practice and wellness program management to First Person Advisors. He channels those skills to fulfill his passion for building evidence-based healthcare solutions that help organizations meet their …

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New research from HERO identifies shifts in financial incentive strategies in workplace well-being initiatives

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HERO Scorecard OLD

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More thoughts from our HEROForum20 Ambassador: Olympic Champion Jesse Diggins (Interview Part 3)

For the full interview, go the AJHP at: https://journals.sagepub.com/eprint/2PVYKDVT9TBUXXTI9UAG/full More thoughts from our HEROForum20 Ambassador: Olympic Champion Jesse Diggins (Interview part three) HEROForum20 begins next week! We have virtual learning sessions scheduled throughout the month of September. (See dates below or on our website). Our opening session is: Tuesday, September …

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Β©2024Β Health Enhancement Research Organization β€˜HERO’


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