March 1, 2017 12:00 am Central
Guest Panelists:

Thomas E. Kottke, MD, MSPH, HealthPartners & Ginger Kakacek, MD, HealthPartners
We have long understood the impact of lifestyle choices such as how tobacco use, inactivity or inadequate sleep affect our health. But how do these decisions compare to others that predict or advance well-being? How does tobacco use, for example, compare to not belonging to groups? What’s more impactful for well-being, healthy eating or healthy thinking? If we are to flourish, should we schedule more fitness club visits or “gratitude visits”? Join Drs. Tom Kottke and Ginger Kakacek, from HealthPartners, for a webinar that explores whether “well-being in all policies” could have greater impact than our more usual advocacy for “health in all policies.” Related to this, what percent of U.S. adults are flourishing? Where we’ve long held that the absence of illness is not health, we’ll explore positive psychology principles and ask whether the absence of mental illness assures the presence of mental health.
This webinar is available to members only.