September 28, 2021 12:00 pm Central
Register HERO Members Only
Guest Panelists:

Karen Moseley, HERO

Mary Imboden, PhD, HERO
This year, HERO celebrates 25 years of leadership for workplace health and well-being. That we have been able to sustain and evolve our mission is due to the strength of the HERO Board of Directors, the expertise and insights of our members, and the support of our research funders. In April, the HERO Board approved the new strategic plan for 2021-2026, and the HERO team has developed a first-year implementation plan. Please join us for this members-only webinar to hear firsthand how we plan to connect science and practice to demonstrate value of a health and well-being employer ecosystem.
Karen Moseley is President & CEO of the Health Enhancement Research Organization (HERO). In collaboration with HERO members, Karen and the HERO team provide leadership in research and education on issues such as the impact of wellness program best practices on health outcomes and the impact of healthy cultures on employee performance.
Prior to being appointed President & CEO of HERO, Karen served as the organization’s Vice President of Education and Director of Operations. In these positions, she was instrumental in growing HERO membership, increasing member engagement, and continuously improving educational programming and supporting HERO’s robust research agenda.
Karen received her Bachelor of Science in business administration from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. To stay healthy, Karen enjoys yoga, testing new healthy recipes, and being in nature. Karen and her husband, T.J., reside in Wake Forest, NC, with their dog Jill.
Mary Imboden, PhD, is the director of research for HERO, where she oversees the execution of the HERO research agenda. This includes providing oversight of the HERO Research Committee and consultation to HERO study committees. She also oversees the ongoing development and research of the HERO Health and Well-Being Best Practices Scorecard in Collaboration with Mercer © (HERO Scorecard), along with growth and management of the HERO Preferred Provider Network.
Mary joined HERO in 2018 after receiving her PhD in human bioenergetics from Ball State University with a primary focus in clinical exercise physiology. She has been fortunate to author and co-author several peer-reviewed publications in this area, as well as present her research findings at the national level. She is an assistance professor of exercise science at George Fox University.
She is an advocate for exercise as medicine, and does trail running in Portland, Oregon.
This webinar is available to members only.