HERO Think Tank Readings for “Overdosed: Are we taking in too much?” The Opioid Epidemic

Winter Think Tank Meeting March 1st and 2nd Austin, Texas How are we doing as a profession, and as family members and citizens, speaking up about addiction? As I was preparing our Think Tank Agenda focused on the opioid epidemic, I was weighing how much time to allow for personal …

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Why Health Promotion really needs to Change by Paul Terry

Photo credit: elearning.org When I first worked in health promotion, workplace-based services such as free screenings or health coaching were only available to executives, smoking policies were a radical idea, school lunches were uniformly abominable, and community bike paths and gardens were a rarity. Mid-career, I worked in Africa where …

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Trading Shoes for a Machete’: Why Cultural Context Matters when trying to do Good by Paul Terry

Photo credit: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 2017 Allow me to tell you a story about an ongoing struggle I’ve had with cultural context and working in prevention. This is an episode where I thought I was doing the right thing on behalf of a non-working poor person in Tanzania. But …

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2017 Annual Report of Accomplishments

Dear HERO Members, Stakeholders and Friends, On behalf of the Health Enhancement Research Organization (HERO) Board of Directors and all of our HERO members who are so actively working to advance excellence in workplace health promotion, the HERO team is proud to share our 2017 Annual Report of Accomplishments. What …

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Meeting the Needs of Sub-Population Cultures

Addressing the needs of sub-cultures is essential to fostering a culture of health. For example, something that may work great on the day shift may have little traction on the night shift. The norms and needs of machine operators may be very different from those in sales. How do you identify …

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HERO’s Legacy Stories: Changing How We Think about Health and Well-being

1) Where did the HERO name and logo come from? Bill Whitmer was a very creative person and was responsible for coming up with the original name (Health Enhancement Research Organization) as well as the HERO acronym. As a result of unanticipated results from Google searches of the term “health …

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Tailored Outreach and Employee Engagement: How Big Data Analytics can Transform Health and Business Outcomes

Join HERO in hosting a brilliant trio of experts for a webinar, Q and A, and audience polls that examine how the UPMC health system has been able to demonstrate a ten-fold improvement in prediction accuracy and a five-fold increase in program engagement for their employees.  This unique (but replicable) project combines 1) a comprehensive, …

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HERO Briefs by Jessica Grossmeier (November 2017)

‘Tis the season of counting our blessings, and to those who ask, I consistently name three things for which I am ever thankful: (1) to have meaningful work that challenges my thinking and skills on a nearly daily basis; (2) to work alongside such delightful and capable team members; and …

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The Association of Employee Engagement at Work With Health Risks and Presenteeism

Research clearly demonstrates a link between employee engagement in their work and business outcomes that leaders care about; and many employers are keenly interested in strategies to increase levels of engagement. An emerging question for the wellness profession is how employee engagement is linked to health and how to leverage such data …

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HERO Briefs by Paul Terry (October 2017)

HEROForum17 Proceedings Now Available. We are excited to announce the release of our HEROForum17 Proceedings. Read on for summaries of our pre-conference Summits and HERO members Think Tank, along with summaries of the keynote presentations. Reviews for HEROForum17 are in and as stellar as we could have hoped for! We …

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