Head, Heart and Feet in Weight Management

It has been argued that the willpower of our citizenry hasn’t measurably changed during the decades in which our nation’s waistlines have measurably expanded. I agree, and I’d also submit that a weakening of political willpower and a lack of moral courage among those of us called to leadership is …

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HERO February Briefs

HEROForum18 CALL FOR PRESENTERS From the C-Suite to the Shop Floor: Well-being for All October 2-4, 2018 Sawgrass Marriot Resort Ponte Vedra Beach, FL HERO is seeking industry experts, leaders of best-in-class employer programs, and innovative solutions to explore how organizations can achieve the optimal balance between dual strategies, like …

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HERO Think Tank Readings for “Overdosed: Are we taking in too much?” The Opioid Epidemic

Winter Think Tank Meeting March 1st and 2nd Austin, Texas How are we doing as a profession, and as family members and citizens, speaking up about addiction? As I was preparing our Think Tank Agenda focused on the opioid epidemic, I was weighing how much time to allow for personal …

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Organizational Support for Well-being Senior Leadership and Managerial Support Required

By Laura Hamill, PhD; Chief People Officer & Managing Director, Limeade Institute Organizational support for well-being is the extent to which an organization provides the resources, communication, reinforcement, and encouragement to enable employees to improve well-being. When individual improvement or behavior change happens, the “ecosystem” around that change has to …

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Great States of Health: How well are states doing in supporting worksite health promotion?

Most states have laws encouraging the adoption of Worksite Health Promotion programs. How does your state’s health promotion efforts compare to others and what can we be doing to advocate for state policies that support a vision of healthy workplaces throughout America? This webinar, hosted jointly by HERO and the …

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Why Health Promotion really needs to Change by Paul Terry

Photo credit: elearning.org When I first worked in health promotion, workplace-based services such as free screenings or health coaching were only available to executives, smoking policies were a radical idea, school lunches were uniformly abominable, and community bike paths and gardens were a rarity. Mid-career, I worked in Africa where …

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The “Best of 2017 List” of Health Promotion Researchers by Paul Terry

Photo Credit: AZ Quotes To honor some of health promotion’s best scientists and especially to recognize those who bring outstanding humanity to their field of inquiry and bigheartedness to their writing, I am pleased to announce the American Journal of Health Promotion Papers of the Year. Occasionally I hear from …

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2017 Annual Report of Accomplishments

Dear HERO Members, Stakeholders and Friends, On behalf of the Health Enhancement Research Organization (HERO) Board of Directors and all of our HERO members who are so actively working to advance excellence in workplace health promotion, the HERO team is proud to share our 2017 Annual Report of Accomplishments. What …

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Meeting the Needs of Sub-Population Cultures

Addressing the needs of sub-cultures is essential to fostering a culture of health. For example, something that may work great on the day shift may have little traction on the night shift. The norms and needs of machine operators may be very different from those in sales. How do you identify …

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Sample International HERO Scorecard Report

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