The State of Informed Decision Making in Health and Well-being

Tatiana Shnaiden, MD MS By Tatiana Shnaiden, MD MS Dr. Tatiana Shnaiden is a Health Analytics leader, and her specialty is science and analytic support for improving health and quality of care for a population at an affordable cost. She has built and managed health analytic functions for health plan, …

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HERO Scorecard International Benchmark Report: Focus on Brazil

The international version of the HERO Health and Well-being Best Practices Scorecard in Collaboration with Mercer© (International HERO Scorecard) helps employers learn about best practices that advance workplace health and well-being and determine the extent to which their programs incorporate these best practices. The International HERO Scorecard is intended for …

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The Recent JAMA Study: A Balanced Discussion of Workplace Wellness Research

Hundreds of research studies published in scientific journals conclude that well designed, evidence based, comprehensive health and well-being initiatives work. We know this, yet occasionally, a new study is published that is inconsistent with the overall body of research. So we’ve asked Dr. Ron Goetzel to facilitate a conversation with Dr. …

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Is there more to food than calories, taste, and nutrition?

Two full lifetimes ago consuming more calories was always welcome, taste was secondary and having enough food defined everyday life. Nowadays, the opposite holds true: our society is awash in calories and individuals expect their food to satisfy personal tastes and lifestyle preferences. Finding ways to turn out more food …

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HERO April Briefs

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” ~ Mahatma Ghandi In recognition of National Volunteer Month, this month’s Briefs are dedicated to HERO’s volunteers. Since its beginning in 1997, HERO’s success has depended heavily on its member volunteers. You’ll see their names on our committee rosters, …

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Fearless Health Promotion and an Interview with Dr. Amy Edmondson

For the full editorial, the complete interview with Dr. Amy Edmondson and editorial references go to the American Journal of Health Promotion (open access). Does health education work? This reads as a nonsensical question to me given my vantage point as an editor who, every week, gets to review some …

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We’re all better off.

April is National Volunteer Month. Since its beginning in 1997, HERO’s success has depended heavily on its member volunteers. You’ll see their names on our committee rosters, on our published peer-reviewed articles and consensus statements, and in the many expert support roles HERO needs to make our conferences and think …

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Mental Health: A Workforce Crisis

Given the high prevalence of chronic stress, burnout and mental health disorders reported by US employees and the associated costs borne by employers, the American Heart Association’s CEO Roundtable commissioned the Center for Workplace Health to report on effective strategies to address mental health disorders in the workplace. This webinar …

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Teacher Wellness Falls Behind Other Segments in Supporting Employee Well-being

By Mandy Pare-Court, PhD Dr. Mandy Pare-Court has decades of experience in organizational development and change management including expertise in instructional design, leadership development, recruitment, and data analysis. Her formal education is in psychology and neuroscience, with a master’s degree in education and a doctorate in leadership, organizational development, and …

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HERO March Briefs

In like a lion and out like a lamb… Isn’t that how March is supposed to go? This year at HERO, March was roaring all month long, so the April Fool’s joke is on us. Yes, this is our March Briefs being sent in April. Here is just a sampling …

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