A Comprehensive List of References on the Subject: “Do EAPs Work?”

Author: Mark Attridge, PhD, MA, Attridge Consulting In support of the Think Tank Proceedings and Attridge Presentation at the HERO Think Tank Meeting: Psychological Safety at Work: What Happens When More Voices are Heard? San Antonio, TX, February 12, 2019 Click on the weblinks to get downloads of relevant resource …

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2019 Summer Think Tank Meeting

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A Masterclass on Engagement: Exploring What We Mean and How To Drive a Culture of Value

Few ideas have generated more excitement with leaders than employee engagement. Everyone wants more of it, yet application, measurement, and practice—not to mention results—vary widely across our industry. What seems to be missing from the conversation is a fundamental understanding of the science behind the engagement phenomenon, as well as …

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What is the Business Case for Employers’ Investment in Healthy Communities: Improved Worker Health, Lower Medical Costs, and Higher Stock Performance?

Dr. Ron Goetzel will address the ongoing controversy over whether workplace wellness programs work by sharing new and emerging research on the role culture of health (COH) plays. He will also address the shift from a return-on-investment (ROI) rationale for these programs to one that emphasizes value-on-investment (VOI). Dr. Goetzel …

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Promoting Physical Activity in the Workplace

The US Department of Health and Human Services released its second edition of the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans in November 2018, highlighting the importance of moving more and sitting less. Physical inactivity continues to be a significant health and business issue with implications for mental health, mortality and morbidity …

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HERO February Briefs

From the Heart A long, vertical string of beautiful, round images hangs in my home office. A gift from the Global Wellness Institute, “The Wellness Moonshot Calendar: A Year of Inspiration” is a call to action to create healthier cultures within workplaces everywhere. The February image is pink with the …

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Broadening our View of Financial Well-Being

Increasingly aware of the toll financial distress is taking on employees, employers are taking steps to address financial well-being as a key component of their overall wellness strategy. This webinar will challenge our field to adopt a more comprehensive approach to addressing financial well-being. Please join Sara Johnson, Bruce Sherman, …

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The “Best of 2018” List of Health Promotion Researchers

To honor some of health promotion’s best scientists and especially to recognize those who bring outstanding humanity to their field of inquiry and bigheartedness to their writing, I am pleased to announce the American Journal of Health Promotion’s “Papers of the Year” from 2018. As I worked with our Associate …

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HERO January Briefs

HERO Rings in the New Year with a New President  January 2, 2019 – The HERO Board of Directors has elected Karen Moseley as HERO’s next President. Moseley assumed the position from Paul Terry, Ph.D., on January 1, 2019. Prior to being chosen as the next leader of HERO, Moseley served as the …

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The Fearless Organization: Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace for Learning, Innovation, and Growth

With so much riding on innovation, creativity, and spark, it is essential to attract and retain quality talent—but what good does this talent do if no one is able to speak their mind? The traditional culture of “fitting in” and “going along” spells doom in the knowledge economy. Success requires …

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